
Ipe is typically reddish brown, sometimes with a greenish tinge, often with lighter or darker striping. It can be covered with a yellow lapachol powder. Much of what looks similar to a teak wood. Ipe wood comes in good long lengths with limited warp. Sapwood is much lighter white or yellow usually removed at the mill, although small strips along the edge can be present. Ipe hardwood has no distinctive odor or taste.

All Timber Species

Ipe wood products contains no added harmful chemicals so it can be used near water without potential contamination.

Physical Property

Category Dry Unit
Hardness 1100 KG

Our comments on the species

Ipe, considered to be one of the hardest wood that is used for flooring, is from South America. Bearing a botanical name of tabebuia spp, is a very durable timber. A popular timber for out door decking world over, Ipe is extensively used for indoor flooring also. With a colour varying from brown to deep brown with a tinge of green, you should expect some colour variation when you select Ipe. Handling an Ipe floor installation required good skill and technical understanding of the subfloor preparation and assessment due to it's hardness.
Available Flooring Options: Blocks, thick Strip & Plank Flooring

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